Carrefour des Cultures Africaines logo Association CCA Lyon

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About the cultural space

The Cultural Space is strongly anchored in the values of the CCA and in its attachment to African cultures and peoples.

It is defined as a unifying space, promoting encounters and dialogue between individuals, cultures and the arts.

Its ambition is to highlight the heritage of the SMA, the present and the future, while giving new impetus to cultural and artistic initiatives in France and abroad.

Open to a wide audience, this cultural space revolves around major issues

Share, Transmit, Experiment, Cooperate

  • A challenge of sharing, daring human, cultural and artistic encounters, contributing to the dissemination of the values of living together
  • A challenge of transmission, promoting artistic and cultural education, encouraging the involvement of young people in the cultural field
  • A challenge of experimentation, stimulating curiosity, discovery and creativity, welcoming artists or researchers in residence
  • A challenge of cooperation, promoting the networking of actors around participatory projects, developing cultural cooperation internationally.

Located within the Maison Internationale Missionnaire, at 150 Cours Gambette, in Lyon, this new cultural venue is organized around three areas:

  • A multipurpose space (conferences, shows, screenings) with 150 seats
  • A temporary exhibition space with an area of 150 m2
  • A documentation space with an area of 136 m2
  • A restaurant area

But also rooms for meetings and associative activities, and a large garden of about one hectare.

The “Crossroads of African Cultures” provides management and programming.

These spaces are accessible to associations or other legal persons, organizations or companies that share our values, allowing them to organize events there. The CCA team can offer technical support and advice in setting up projects or in organizing events.

Découvrir le programme